Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Majors

I am sitting here on twitter, and thought about the people who I recklessly said I liked or had some kind of emotions for. I began to wonder was I out of my league trying to talk to some one. Did I let some one who I should have only been a friend get to close too me?

I know people say looks don't matter. Better yet they might say, I am above that it is what is on the inside that counts. Okay really?


Since I have been in Washington D.C., it is evident that there is a crowd and in this crowd you date with-in. Meaning, if you are a 30 year old guy and you are looking for companionship, this person must have what you have monetarily, career-wise, and physically.

I am not throwing shade when I make this example, so if you get mad, that's on you.

If a college educated man, who owns a house, and drives a car is not american made is looking for a mate, it is quite possible that a non degreed, apartment owning, bus riding homie will not be a real life match up. The sex might be great and maybe being a regular cut-buddy may be an option. However, The person who belongs with this degreed, homeowner, whose car we cannot pronounce belongs with someone who can match him and challenge him. The same goes for Lil red riding hood too.

We try and do things outside the box and as much as that is appreciated in the professional world, let's be real.

Please people , opposites attract but the same keeps you sane! Stick with someone in your league. If you have to ask if someone is in your league, then you don't belong with them.


Anonymous said...

EFFIN EPIC...i feel like we just talked about this on skype anywho BRAVO !!! M.Moguls

Jordan said...

this is WHY, I stay off course or why I chose NOT to date b/c I myself don't feel I'm of any equivalence to those who want to date me... those with careers and houses and cars, etc.

I feel so minut to their statuses and lives.

It's hard to deal with that emotionally.