Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In God we trust

I know you have seen that on the dollar bill. I wanna go two places with this entry. I remember some times ago congress was thinking about Taking the phrase off of our currency. My first thought on it was and still is if it ain't broke don't fix it. Another reason I did not see a reason is for its history. When I see that phrase it shows me that who ever designed the dollar and put that on there showed to me, that this dollar may not be all they wanted it to be. With that thought IN GOD they placed their trust.

Now in times like these, In God, we trust, that we can get more dollars or just some dollars. We also trust God for the dollar to gain strength in the world currency. At this time of so many people stressing about the dollar and their shortness of it, I think the best advice come off of it.


Live, Love, Learn


blasianFMA said...


Unknown said...

And what of those that don't believe in "God"? We left England to get religious freedom. So now we're free by advertising that God is for America? "Everyone is equal...as long as you worship my God." How about if we put "In Satan we Trust" Or "In Alah we Trust" How about something neutral that doesn't show America sponsoring one religion. We should put something that really shows who we are like "In Money We Trust" or "I'll Launch an All Out War If You So Much as Look At My Money"

Mehmet said...

The back of the dollar is riddled with secret society references. To me it doesn't make sense why "In God We Trust" is on there.

Mehmet said...
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Mehmet said...

Illuminati Signs

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Anonymous said...

Your sentiment seems to be shared by many Americans. But the real worry about our money is that it's just paper - no real value, printed whenever the powers that be want. It's a receipt of credit, in the end. Check out the history of the Federal Reserve and the histories of other countries who's paper money went bust. That's where we're headed.