Sunday, March 21, 2010

Build and Battle

I was able to go to church today. Since I have been in DC I have been looking for a great worship experience. Well, I got my answer today! I went to the Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Washington D.C.

The Pastor and his wife were not there, however, church was still church in their absence. In the message for the day the speaker spoke of Building and Battling. He spoke of the Prophet Nehemiah, who was rebuilding the wall into Jerusalem.

The story goes, Nehemiah was on a ladder and building and he had two associates who were trying to discourage him. Nehemiah made mention to the men who were working with him to build with one hand and keep a sword in their other hand. This was brilliant to me. It reminded me of stories I hear of people who are trying to rebuild their lives.

Yes rebuild, but realize and know that you will be under attack. Because you will be under attack be ready to fight.

With that said good luck in your re-building and battling!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember that story and that message. In all things we must build and keep pushing because we feel things are at their end point. The world continues to go on and we must carry on with it!! Thanks for the reminder message hun!!